As summer arrives, the UK experiences a surge in temperatures that can have a surprising impact on our homes, particularly our drainage systems. While it’s easy to focus on the visible aspects of home maintenance during hot weather, such as keeping the garden hydrated and ensuring good ventilation indoors, one often overlooked area is our drains and sewers. High temperatures can lead to several issues, from unpleasant odours to more severe structural damage. Understanding these potential problems and taking preventative measures can save homeowners from costly repairs and significant inconvenience.

Impact of Heat on Drains and Sewers

The Impact of Heat on Drains and Sewers

1. Odour Issues
One of the most immediate and noticeable effects of high temperatures on drains is the increase in unpleasant odours. During hot weather, organic matter in drains and sewers decomposes faster, releasing foul-smelling gases. This is particularly problematic in urban areas where the density of waste is higher. The lack of regular rainfall can exacerbate this issue, as less water flows through the sewers to wash away waste and dilute these odours.

2. Increased Pressure on Pipes
Heat causes materials to expand, including the pipes and materials within your drainage system. This expansion can lead to increased pressure within the pipes, which, if not properly accounted for, can cause cracks or even burst pipes. Older pipes, particularly those made from clay or cast iron, are especially susceptible to this kind of damage. The expansion and contraction from fluctuating temperatures can weaken these pipes over time, making them more prone to leaks and breaks.

3. Drought Conditions and Soil Movement
During prolonged periods of heat, the soil around and under homes can dry out and shrink. This shrinkage can cause ground movement, which may lead to pipes shifting or breaking. Homes with older foundations or those built on clay soil are particularly vulnerable to this kind of damage. In extreme cases, this can lead to subsidence, where the ground beneath a property sinks, causing serious structural issues.

4. Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Build-up
High temperatures can also influence the behaviour of fats, oils, and grease (FOG) in drainage systems. Typically, FOG solidifies and clings to the inner walls of pipes, causing blockages over time. However, in hotter weather, these substances can become more viscous, spreading further through the drainage system and potentially creating larger, more problematic blockages. Additionally, the increased temperature can accelerate the growth of bacteria on these deposits, which can exacerbate odour issues.

5. Increased Water Usage and Strain on Systems
Hot weather often leads to increased water usage, whether from watering gardens, filling paddling pools, or taking more frequent showers. This increased demand puts additional strain on the drainage system, which may already be struggling due to the issues mentioned above. The combination of increased flow and reduced capacity due to blockages or damage can lead to overflows, which are not only inconvenient but can also pose health risks due to the potential spread of contaminants.


Steps Homeowners can take to Protect their Drains and Sewers

While the effects of high temperatures on drains and sewers can be significant, there are several preventative measures homeowners can take to protect their systems and avoid costly repairs.

1. Regular Maintenance and Inspection
Regular inspection and maintenance of your drainage system are crucial, especially during the summer months. Consider hiring a professional drainage company like PM247 to conduct thorough inspections. They can use CCTV technology to inspect the interior of your pipes and identify any potential issues, such as cracks or blockages, before they become major problems. Early detection is key to preventing more serious damage.

2. Proper Disposal of Fats, Oils, and Grease
To prevent FOG build-up, always dispose of fats, oils, and grease properly. Avoid pouring these substances down the drain. Instead, collect them in a container and dispose of them in the rubbish. Additionally, using strainers in sinks can help catch food particles and other debris, reducing the amount that enters your drainage system.

3. Managing Outdoor Water Usage
To reduce the strain on your drainage system, try to manage your outdoor water usage. Consider using water butts to collect rainwater for garden use, which can reduce the amount of water entering your drainage system during dry spells. Additionally, using a timer on sprinklers can help conserve water and prevent overuse.

4. Soil and Foundation Management
For homes particularly at risk of ground movement due to soil type or age, consider consulting with a structural engineer. They can provide advice on how to manage soil moisture levels around your property and recommend solutions such as soaker hoses to maintain consistent soil moisture and prevent shrinkage.

5. Ventilation and Odour Control
To combat odours, ensure that your drainage system is well-ventilated. This can include checking and cleaning vent pipes and making sure that sinks and drains are regularly flushed with water. In some cases, odour traps or air admittance valves can be installed to prevent gases from escaping into your home.

6. Emergency Preparedness
Despite the best preventative measures, emergencies can still happen. It’s essential to have a plan in place for dealing with potential drainage issues. This includes knowing how to turn off your water supply, having the contact information of a reliable drainage service like PM247 readily available, and understanding basic troubleshooting steps you can take to mitigate damage while waiting for professional help.


How does Heat Impacts Our Drains and Sewers?

The summer heat brings with it a host of potential challenges for your home’s drainage system. From increased odour and pressure to the risk of ground movement, the effects of high temperatures should not be underestimated. However, with proper maintenance and preventative measures, homeowners can protect their drains and sewers from the worst effects of the heat. Regular inspections, proper waste disposal, and careful water management are just a few of the steps you can take to ensure your drainage system remains in good working order throughout the summer and beyond.

At PM247, we understand the unique challenges posed by the UK’s climate and are here to help with all your drainage needs. Whether you need routine maintenance, emergency repairs, or just some friendly advice, our team of experts is available 24/7 to ensure your home remains safe and comfortable, no matter the weather. Don’t wait for a problem to arise—contact us today to schedule an inspection and keep your drains flowing smoothly all summer long.

Call us on 0808 258 2750 or fill in the form here to schedule an appointment.