As the vibrant hues of summer begin to fade and the crisp air of autumn sets in, it’s time to prepare your property for the colder months ahead. Autumn in the UK can bring a mix of beautiful scenery and challenging weather conditions. To ensure that your home or commercial property remains in top condition throughout the season and beyond, it’s essential to carry out key maintenance tasks.

At PM247, we understand the importance of proactive property management. Delaying essential repairs and upkeep until the winter can lead to costly problems. By tackling these tasks now, you can protect your property from the elements, save on energy costs, and avoid emergency repairs. Here’s a guide to some of the essential autumn tasks that will help keep your property well-maintained.

autumn property maintenance

Autumn Tasks to Keep Your Property Well Maintained

  1. Clean and Inspect Gutters

Autumn is synonymous with falling leaves, which can easily clog up your gutters and downpipes. Blocked gutters can lead to water overflow, causing damage to your roof, walls, and foundation. The excess water can seep into your property, leading to damp issues and even structural damage.

At PM247, we recommend cleaning your gutters thoroughly at the start of autumn and checking them regularly throughout the season. Remove all leaves, twigs, and debris, and ensure that water is flowing freely through the downpipes. It’s also a good time to inspect the condition of your gutters and downpipes—look for any signs of rust, cracks, or loose fittings that may need repair.


  1. Roof Inspection and Repairs

As the weather turns wetter and windier, your roof maintenance becomes your first line of defence against the elements. A damaged roof can lead to leaks, heat loss, and extensive water damage. Unfortunately, many roofing problems go unnoticed until it’s too late.

During autumn, it’s crucial to have your roof inspected for any loose or missing tiles, damaged flashing, or signs of wear and tear. Pay particular attention to the areas around chimneys, vents, and skylights, as these are common spots for leaks. If you’re unable to safely inspect the roof yourself, PM247 offers professional roof surveys that include detailed inspections using high-access platforms. We’ll identify any issues and provide you with a comprehensive report, along with recommendations for necessary repairs.


  1. Seal Windows and Doors

With energy prices remaining high, it’s essential to ensure that your property is as energy-efficient as possible. Draughts around windows and doors can significantly reduce your heating efficiency, leading to higher energy bills and a less comfortable living environment.

Check all windows and doors for any gaps, cracks, or worn seals that could allow cold air to enter. Use weatherstripping, caulking, or draught excluders to seal these gaps and prevent heat from escaping.


  1. Check and Service the Heating System

As the temperature begins to drop, you’ll rely more on your heating system to keep your property warm and cosy. To avoid any unpleasant surprises when you first switch on the heating, it’s important to have your system serviced and checked before the cold weather sets in.

Bleed your radiators to remove any trapped air, which can prevent them from heating up properly. If your boiler hasn’t been serviced in the last 12 months, now is the perfect time to book an appointment with a qualified boiler engineer. A well-maintained boiler will run more efficiently, helping you save on energy costs and reducing the risk of a breakdown in the middle of winter.


  1. Service Fireplaces and Chimneys

There’s nothing quite like the warmth and ambience of a real fire on a cold autumn evening. However, before you light the first fire of the season, it’s important to ensure that your fireplace and chimney are safe and ready for use.

Have your chimney professionally swept to remove any soot, creosote, or blockages that could cause a chimney fire or carbon monoxide poisoning. Check that the flue is in good condition and that the damper opens and closes properly. If you have a gas fireplace, it should also be inspected by a qualified gas engineer to ensure it’s functioning safely.


  1. Trim Overhanging Trees and Branches

Autumn often brings strong winds and stormy weather, which can cause tree branches to sway and potentially break. Overhanging branches pose a risk to your property, particularly if they are close to the roof, windows, or power lines. Fallen branches can cause significant damage, and the clean-up process can be both time-consuming and expensive.

To prevent such issues, trim any overhanging branches and remove dead or weakened trees that could fall in a storm. If the trees are large or close to power lines, it’s best to hire a professional tree surgeon.


  1. Improve Property Ventilation

As the weather cools down, you’re likely to keep windows and doors closed more often, which can lead to poor indoor air quality and condensation problems. Condensation can cause mould growth, which is not only unsightly but also harmful to your health.


Ensure that your property is well-ventilated by checking and cleaning air vents, extractor fans, and air bricks. Consider using dehumidifiers in areas prone to moisture build-up, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. If condensation is a recurring issue, it may be worth investing in additional ventilation solutions, such as trickle vents or a mechanical ventilation system.


  1. Insulate Pipes and Prevent Burst Pipes

Frozen pipes are a common winter problem that can cause significant water damage if they burst. To protect your pipes from freezing, ensure that they are properly insulated, especially those in unheated areas like lofts, basements, and garages.

In addition to insulating pipes, it’s important to check for any leaks or weak spots that could lead to a burst pipe. If you’re unsure about the condition of your plumbing, PM247 can provide professional plumbers and surveys to ensure that your system is in good shape for the winter.


  1. Inspect External Walls and Foundations

The exterior walls and foundation of your property are constantly exposed to the elements, and autumn is a good time to check for any signs of damage or wear. Look for cracks, crumbling mortar, or signs of dampness, particularly around the base of the walls.

Small cracks can often be repaired with sealant or mortar, but larger issues may require professional intervention from a plasterer. If you notice any significant damage or signs of subsidence, it’s important to address these problems as soon as possible to prevent further deterioration.


  1. Prepare Your Garden for Winter

While much of your focus will be on the property itself, don’t forget to prepare your garden for the colder months. Clear fallen leaves and debris from lawns, paths, and flower beds to prevent them from becoming waterlogged or smothered. Trim back shrubs and perennials, and consider planting autumn bulbs for a burst of colour in the spring.

If you have garden furniture, now is the time to clean and store it away to protect it from the elements. Cover ponds or water features to prevent them from freezing over, and check that outdoor lighting is functioning properly to ensure safety during the darker evenings.


  1. Review Your Property Insurance

Autumn is a great time to review your property insurance and make sure it’s up to date. With the increased risk of storm damage, burst pipes, and other weather-related issues, it’s important to have the right level of cover in place. Check that your policy includes protection against common autumn and winter hazards, and consider increasing your cover if necessary.


Summing up Essential Autumn Property Maintenance Tasks

Autumn is a season of transition, and with it comes the opportunity to prepare your property for the challenges of winter. By taking the time to carry out these essential maintenance tasks, you can protect your investment, reduce energy costs, and ensure that your home or commercial property remains safe and comfortable throughout the colder months.

At PM247, we’re here to help with all your property maintenance needs. From gutter cleaning and roof repairs to heating system servicing, our team of experts is ready to ensure that your property is well-maintained and ready for whatever autumn and winter may bring. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you in keeping your property in top condition.


Contact PM247 for all manner of Autumn Property Maintenance Tasks

If you’re struggling with your Autumn maintenance plans, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at PM247. Our knowledgeable team is ready to assist you and prepare your home for Winter.